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2013 Conference Home : Register : Sessions : Schedule : Awards


The coolest features of this project.

The timesheet system allows our staff to fill in their timesheets and request PDOs (Paid Day Off). It allows supervisors to review timesheets for approval, grant/decline requested PDOs, and change what time categories each user sees on their timesheet. It also allows our HR personnel to add/remove time categories from specific users, and it also allows them to create new time categories that are clustered into specific groups for reporting purposes (by department, by specific grant, etc.). We can also automatically add holidays to users' timesheets, since they count against our PDOs.

What end users experience or say

The timesheet system is really easy to fill out and navigate. Since users most commonly put in a 7.5 hour day with the same entries in each time category, they can fill in their time for their specific time category, then fill the timesheet across with the click of a button.

What others say about it

This timesheet system is a great replacement for our old FileMaker-based system that needed to go. It was still paper-based, and the new system is secure and doesn't require any training.

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