LassoSoft Technical Article Library
These Articles give practical use advice as well as exploring the fundamentals behind Lasso code and how this interrelates with other system, databases and applications.
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This article contains some troubleshooting steps you can take if you are getting errors from Lasso's embedded SQLite database. SQLite Database Locked If you restore Lasso from a backup or copy a...
Updated: Mar 16, 2011 @ 21:27 PM
Introduction If you're like me, then you would be using one machine (in my case, a Powerbook G4) to edit your code, run Apache and Lasso and test your sites in a variety of web browsers. Setting...
Updated: Mar 16, 2011 @ 21:25 PM
Tips for choosing the syntax that will execute the fastest. Incrementing $x += 1 is faster than $x = $x + 1 which is faster than $x++ If vs Select Both are close enough in speed that you should u...
Updated: Mar 16, 2011 @ 21:21 PM
Syntax Compatibility Between 8.5 and 9 Best practices to write Lasso 8.5 code that will work in Lasso 9 Goal of this page Lassoscript syntax has evolved a lot in Lasso 9, but 8.5 syntax is still co...
Updated: Mar 16, 2011 @ 21:08 PM
Spawn an asynchronous thread complete with the current page vars. Problem You want to return the page quickly to the user, while allowing Lasso to continue processing in a separate thread. Solution...
Updated: Mar 16, 2011 @ 21:03 PM
The tip of the week for March 30, 2007 shows how to schedule emails to be sent in the future using Lasso. The tip includes updates to several LassoApps which make scheduling future emails easy. Intro...
Updated: Mar 16, 2011 @ 20:53 PM
Run Lasso9 Using Launchd On Mac OS X A tutorial to use launchd in Mac OS X to control how lasso9 runs Motivation: When following the instructions for a multi-site setup with Lasso 9, whenever I rest...
Updated: Mar 16, 2011 @ 20:51 PM
Taken from the tip of the week for January 4, 2008, this article includes an update to the RSS data source and examples of how the RSS data source can be used on your Web site. The tip includes a cus...
Updated: Mar 16, 2011 @ 20:49 PM
This article includes a custom data source which allows RSS feeds to be treated as a data source. The items in the feed can be displayed using normal [Inline] ... [/Inline] and [Field] tags. Also incl...
Updated: Mar 16, 2011 @ 20:29 PM
Taken from the tip of the week for June 22, 2007 this article discusses how to export text from Lasso so that it can be easily formatted in Apple's iWork page layout application Pages or Microsoft...
Updated: Mar 16, 2011 @ 20:11 PM