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[ email_queue ]


[Email_Queue] queues an email for sending. This is a utility method that is used by [Email_Compose]. It is not usually necessary to call this method directly.

The method is designed to take the values from an [Email_Compose] object with recipients, from, and data of the message to send. In addition, the method can take optional -Host, -Username, -Password, -Port, and -Timeout parameters. By default all of these parameters are fetched from the values stored in Site Administration.

  • Syntax
var(msg) = email_compose(...)
email_queue(-data=$msg->data, -from=$msg->from, -recipients=$msg->recipients)
  • Beginner

Queue up an [email_compose] object

The [email_queue] method is meant to take its data from an [email_compose] object, and this is a simple example of how that can work.


var(my_msg) = email_compose(-to='', -from='',
    -subject='Re: Subj', -body='Good Deal')
email_queue(-host='', -data=$my_msg->data, -from=$my_msg->from, 

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