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LassoSoft in Partnership with Treefrog is pleased to present:

Programming Fundamentals
& Introduction to Lasso

A one-day intensive programming workshop, Sept 30, 2014 9am-4:30pm


Topics covered will include:

Types and Objects
What are types and objects and how do they relate to each other? How do objects maintain state, and how is that state manipulated through data members and member methods?

What is a literal and which literals does Lasso support?

What is a variable and what purpose does it serve?

What is an operator?

Conditional Logic:
What’s the importance of conditional logic?

Query Expressions:
What do query expressions allow for?

Defining Methods:
How are methods defined and called in Lasso 9? Topics include: methods, signatures, parameter types and multiple dispatch.

Defining Types:
How are new data types defined and used in Lasso 9? Topics include: type definitions, member methods, data members, getters and setters, callbacks, implementable operators, inheritance and traits.

Defining Traits:
How are traits defined and used in Lasso 9? Topics include: an introduction to traits, defining traits, and trait arithmetic.

Error Handling:
How are errors reported and handled in Lasso 9? Topics include: error reporting, custom error pages, error methods and error handling.

What does threading refer to?

Please complete the registration form to reserve a place: Payment is required to confirm your place and places are limited.

Bring your own laptop that is fully updated and ready for work.             Cost: $179

For more training options, see the full Lasso Developer Conference Schedule

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