Modified | Tag Name | Summary | Category | Author |
27 Aug, 2008 | [shell] | Executes commands in a shell. | OS Process | Jason Huck |
09 Aug, 2008 | [autoctype] | A custom type used to simple create a type from a table | Custom Tag | Richard Moore |
25 Jul, 2008 | [vz_elapsedtime] | Display how long ago a date/time has happened in relation to the current date. | Date | Pier Kuipers |
10 Jul, 2008 | [text_to_url] | Tag to make URL and MAILTO: links from a text input or field. | String | Asle Benoni |
09 Jul, 2008 | [decode_koremutake] | Decodes a Koremutake string into an integer | Encoding | Johan Solve |
09 Jul, 2008 | [encode_koremutake] | Encodes a number to memorable string using the Koremutake algorithm | Encoding | Johan Solve |
28 Jun, 2008 | [ul_taxonomy] | Gives you unordered lists from taxonomies. | Output | Brian Loomis |
23 Jun, 2008 | [LI_URLRedirect] | Creates a clickable link of a URL to redirect to if Debug is on, otherwise redirects. | Utility | Eric Landmann |
23 Jun, 2008 | [Debug] | Creates a debug container to output debugging information. | Utility | Eric Landmann |
18 Jun, 2008 | [array_unique] | An array that only holds unique values. | Array | Jason Huck |
18 Jun, 2008 | [FTP_DeleteFile] | A tag to delete a file from an FTP server. | Utility | Gary Sprague |
16 Jun, 2008 | [yahoo_customnews] | Retrieves the specified feed data from Yahoo! Custom News. | Utility | Jim Van Heule |
27 May, 2008 | [ErrorTrack] | Combined Error Tracking Functions. | Error | Miles Xx |
22 May, 2008 | [lp_page_path] | Returns page path information, depending on the member tag used. | Utility | Bil Corry |
13 May, 2008 | [Xaren_Client_IP] | Client_IP replacement that has subnet support | Client | Adam Randall |
12 May, 2008 | [Unix_time] | modification to lp_date_date1970 tag with full time conversion | Data Type | Lubos Voros |
09 May, 2008 | [duration2] | Alternate version of [duration] that never rounds up. | Data Type | Jason Huck |
10 Apr, 2008 | [tags_load] | Loads all tags in the given path into the global namespace. | Custom Tag | Jason Huck |
08 Apr, 2008 | [join_params] | Join POST or GET arguments values with the same value, to make an inline-friendly pairs array. | Array | Dominique Guardiola Falco |
31 Mar, 2008 | [lp_client_params] | Returns an array of GET/POST parameters passed from the client. | Client | Bil Corry |
19 Mar, 2008 | [js_directorytree] | Recursive directory lister | File | Johan Solve |
19 Mar, 2008 | [lp_string_firstwords] | Returns the first series of words in a string, up to a max length. | String | Bil Corry |
21 Feb, 2008 | [client_param] | Inline-safe replacement for [action_param]. | Client | Jason Huck |
17 Feb, 2008 | [timer] | Collects and displays elapsed time between markers. | Utility | Jason Huck |
15 Feb, 2008 | [image_display] | Writes an HTML image tag with scaled dimensions. | Image | Jason Huck |
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